This isn't an end point, but a continuously developing journey, which requires constant updating to make the right choices every time: for the environment, for the economics of production processes, and for people. This is why we are constantly updating this section.

We keep our emissions under control
We are a Carbon Footprint certified company: we work to reduce our CO2 emissions as much as possible and fund offsetting projects to compensate for any so-called inevitable emissions. This allows us to keep our enviornmental footprint under control at all times.
Find out about the offsetting projects we have financed so far
Our Certifications
We work with dedication to obtain certifications that attest to the sustainability and quality of our finished products, and also our production cycles and factories.

Our Packaging
Our packaging choices are the tangible result of our reflection and researchover the years, which has led us to choose to package our products in 100% recycled plastic.
Environmental Label
In this section you will find all the information on the end of the Insight product life cycle: the materials their packaging is made of and how to correctly dispose of the various components.